Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil did considerably well at the first day. The Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma-starrer collected Rs 13.30 on Friday. The overall weekend collection of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil is expected to grow after Diwali. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared on Twitter, ” #ADHM Fri ₹ 13.30 cr. India biz… EXCELLENT at plexes… Note: Dhanteras. Pre-Diwali.” He also shared film’s UAE collection, ” #ADHM starts off with a BANG in UAE-GCC… Collects $ 554,000 [₹ 3.70 cr] on Thu… OUTSTANDING!”
Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil did considerably well at the first day. The Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma-starrer collected Rs 13.30 on Friday. The overall weekend collection of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil is expected to grow after Diwali.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared on Twitter, ” #ADHM Fri ₹ 13.30 cr. India biz… EXCELLENT at plexes… Note: Dhanteras. Pre-Diwali.” He also shared film’s UAE collection, ” #ADHM starts off with a BANG in UAE-GCC… Collects $ 554,000 [₹ 3.70 cr] on Thu… OUTSTANDING!”
There was a strong buzz around Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The controversy surrounding the casting of Pakistani actor Fawad Khan in the movie kept it in news for over a month. MNS lashed out at KJo for casting Fawad. They even demanded that the producers who cast Pakistani actors in their movies should pay Rs 5 crores as a penalty to the army welfare fund. Karan Johar had eventually posted a video and tried to clarify his stand. Besides the protests, the absence of Aishwarya Rai from film promotions and special screening also kept ADHM in news.
With Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Karan is back to direction after a gap of four years. Karan is well-known for making romantic movies including Kal Ho Na Ho, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna and My Name is Khan. Karan, in his interviews, has expressed how he lives his life vicariously through his cinema.
The movie opened with around 35-50% occupancy across the country. In some parts, the film had around 50% occupancy on the first day. Diwali will only help in increasing the overall weekend collection of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
#Aishwary_Rai_Bachchan, #Akkian, #Anushka_Sharma, #Beard, #Beardlife, #Belladiva, #Belladivadance, #Belladivalifestyle, #Bollyfan, #Bollywoodactor, #Bollywooddancers, #Bollywoodfashion, #Bollywoodscenes, #Bollywoodstyle, #Celeb, #Celebrity, #Chakde, #Classicalindiandance, #Cute_Bollywood_News, #Dancestudio, #Dashing, #Denverdance, #Dvn, #Fawad_Khan, #Glamour, #Hero, #Hot, #Ilovedenver, #Indianactor, #Indiandance, #Instagood, #King, #Letsdance, #Likeforlike, #Loveyeah, #Mumbai, #Mybae, #Myworld, #Ootd, #Photooftheday, #Picoftheday, #Prettyinpurple, #Pyaar, #RANBIR_KAPOOR, #Sexy, #Star, #Style, #Sunglasses, #Thingstodoindenver, #Worlddance
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared on Twitter, ” #ADHM Fri ₹ 13.30 cr. India biz… EXCELLENT at plexes… Note: Dhanteras. Pre-Diwali.” He also shared film’s UAE collection, ” #ADHM starts off with a BANG in UAE-GCC… Collects $ 554,000 [₹ 3.70 cr] on Thu… OUTSTANDING!”
There was a strong buzz around Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The controversy surrounding the casting of Pakistani actor Fawad Khan in the movie kept it in news for over a month. MNS lashed out at KJo for casting Fawad. They even demanded that the producers who cast Pakistani actors in their movies should pay Rs 5 crores as a penalty to the army welfare fund. Karan Johar had eventually posted a video and tried to clarify his stand. Besides the protests, the absence of Aishwarya Rai from film promotions and special screening also kept ADHM in news.
With Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Karan is back to direction after a gap of four years. Karan is well-known for making romantic movies including Kal Ho Na Ho, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna and My Name is Khan. Karan, in his interviews, has expressed how he lives his life vicariously through his cinema.
The movie opened with around 35-50% occupancy across the country. In some parts, the film had around 50% occupancy on the first day. Diwali will only help in increasing the overall weekend collection of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
#Aishwary_Rai_Bachchan, #Akkian, #Anushka_Sharma, #Beard, #Beardlife, #Belladiva, #Belladivadance, #Belladivalifestyle, #Bollyfan, #Bollywoodactor, #Bollywooddancers, #Bollywoodfashion, #Bollywoodscenes, #Bollywoodstyle, #Celeb, #Celebrity, #Chakde, #Classicalindiandance, #Cute_Bollywood_News, #Dancestudio, #Dashing, #Denverdance, #Dvn, #Fawad_Khan, #Glamour, #Hero, #Hot, #Ilovedenver, #Indianactor, #Indiandance, #Instagood, #King, #Letsdance, #Likeforlike, #Loveyeah, #Mumbai, #Mybae, #Myworld, #Ootd, #Photooftheday, #Picoftheday, #Prettyinpurple, #Pyaar, #RANBIR_KAPOOR, #Sexy, #Star, #Style, #Sunglasses, #Thingstodoindenver, #Worlddance
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